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4 Voice Broadcast Tips that Get Action

Posted by Trumpia on Feb 01, 2012

As people are consuming more and more digital content, getting your message to stand-out in a crowd is continuing to be a big challenge for marketers.

Rising above the clutter is no easy task. Email boxes are consistently bursting at the seams. And people are increasingly distracted with information from numerous advertisers that are vying for their attention across different channels.

Getting back to basics, a lot of marketers are turning to voice broadcast technology that lets you record a single voice message and then send it to your database of contacts that have opted in to receive your communications.

In today’s computer age, the simplicity of a phone call can really make all your other marketing efforts unique – and much more personal. Here are four tips for using voice broadcast to make an impact.

  1. Create a Script. Remember that you only have 30 seconds in which to grab your audience’s – attention. You need to state your message clearly and concisely. So, be sure to write out what you want to say in advance and then practice, practice, practice.
  2. State Your Intentions Up-Front. The first sentence of your script should be attention grabbing and let them know why you are calling. You’ll want to include a compelling and timely call to action with your message. For example, let’s say you are a local restaurant. You can send out a voice broadcast message like, “Treat your Sweetheart to a Chocolate Lover’s Gourmet Experience this Valentine’s Day,” letting people know to stop by and take advantage of your special Valentine’s Day menu.
  3. Be Friendly and Personable. Whether you need to draw on your high school drama class or envision what it would be like to be Natalie Portman, don’t just read from the script. You can keep the tone of your message fun and professional at the same time.
  4. Use Voice to Reinforce Your Other Multi-Channel Marketing Tactics. Take advantage of the benefits of cross-channel promotions. You can use your voice broadcast campaign as a way to follow-up and remind people to view your email that announces your special sales event or invite them to enter the contest on your website.

Voice broadcast can help you get the word out about your brand and your offer in a much more personal way than any other channel, making it the perfect complement to your SMS marketing campaign. Since the people that you’ll be sending your recorded voice message to have already given you permission to call them, they’ll be open and receptive to your offer – and especially ready to listen.


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