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If Your Marketing Plans Don’t Include Mobile, Your Plans Are Not Finished

Posted by Trumpia on Jun 10, 2015

Does it sometimes seem like, the more connected we are, the harder it is to keep in touch? You send emails to your customers regularly, but, you find that you don't get quite the response rate that you used to. A lot of papers are going out of business, reducing local advertising opportunities. And, you aren't even sure how often your paper sales flyers and letters get looked at before they hit the recycling bin.

You know you need digital marketing to succeed. But, with the way that mobile phone use has exploded, mobile marketing is just as important. Over 90% of all Americans have a mobile phone. And, it can provide one of the best avenues to reach new prospects and to continue your relationship with current customers.

Mobile matters.

Worldwide, there are nearly as many mobile phones as there are people. According to Pew Research Center, two-thirds of mobile phone users say that they check their phones for messages and updates throughout the day, even when they don't hear their phone ringing or vibrating. Nearly half sleep with their phones by their beds and 29% say that their phone is something they cannot live without.

Actions in the real world line up with these observations. Google says that almost one-third of searches start on a mobile device. And, half of all searchers who do a search for local services wind up visiting a local store that comes up on the search results. By courting this group of users, you can dramatically increase your marketing reach and increase customer loyalty.

Mobile Loyalty Programs Keep Them Coming Back.

Many customers love to collect perks through loyalty programs. Eighty-three percent of Americans belong to at least one. About one-third say that loyalty programs make them more loyal to a brand. When you create a mobile loyalty program, your customers' membership points and information is as close as their mobile phone. This can lead to higher satisfaction as well as more customers who use the program and accrue points and rewards. You can also give customers points for "checking in" when they visit your store. Not only does it get them in the door more often; check-ins can be shared on social media, spreading information about your business throughout your current customers' social network. You can also reward customers for tweets, using your hashtag on social media and taking and sharing photos from your business and of your products.

[Tweet "Eighty-three percent of Americans belong to at least one loyalty program."]

Create your own mobile app to broadcast your message and stand out from the competition.

While many individuals like to use their mobile browsers, many other prefer the simplicity of connecting with your business through an app. When you create an app for your local business, you can see a dramatic increase loyalty. It is far more cost-effective to keep your current customers than to court new ones. Make it easy for them to keep up with you and make it rewarding to shop in your store. Mobile apps help you stay at the top of customers' minds.

You can set up your mobile loyalty program via your own app. Customers will choose to download your app so that they can store & redeem their loyalty points, receive coupons, and get alerts on the latest announcements of their favorite items on sale. Mobile users can be rewarded for checking into your store on certain days and for making specific covered purchases. Require a few visits to collect a reward, but not too many. Most mobile users are more likely to keep coming to your store if they can pull in a reward, such as a discount or a free item, in under 10 visits.

A few ways to promote your own app to your current and prospective customers:

  • Create a QR code to direct them to download your app. The QR code should go directly to your download link on your site or in the Google Play or iTunes store.
  • Create text-to-download app to add to your flyers, billboards, tabletops. when customers send a text to this number, a download link will be automatically sent in the reply.
  • Optimize your app description in online app stores that include Google Play, iTunes, and the Amazon app store. Make sure that your store name and the loyalty program benefits are in the description. Encourage customers to download and leave reviews when they are happy with your app. This increases visibility and exposes your app to people who may not have know about it.

Making SMS Marketing Work for You

Text messages are another great tool for getting in touch with potential customers. SMS coupon codes can be sent out to any customer with a phone. Make sure that all customers know that you use SMS/text messages, as well, so that they never miss out. Mobile coupons can be sent via text so that your customers can redeem them online or in your brick and mortar store. Using SMS technology also gives you access to the largest segment of prospects, whether they have a smartphone or a traditional phone.

Mobile's not just for smartphones.

Do you have an older clientele who tend to be resistant to smartphone technology? As of October of 2014, about one-third of Americans did not yet own a smartphone. But, even if customers do not have smartphones, they still have SMS is enabled on their standard mobile phones. This allows the customers to store & redeem loyalty points, receive coupons, and get alerts on the latest announcements of their favorite items on sale without using the app.

Marketing continues to change. By keeping up with new developments, you can continue to keep in touch with your customers and keep your business in their mind. By using the best mobile marketing techniques, you reach them in real time where they are and increase your chances of keeping their business.


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