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Mobilize Volunteers with an SMS Sender

Posted by Juebong Khwarg on Apr 28, 2016

Use SMS Sender For Volunteers

SMS marketing allows businesses, schools, churches, non-profit organizations, and charity events to reach, promote, and engage with their audience through text messages. Utilizing an SMS sender to mobilize volunteers offers several benefits over traditional forms of marketing. With Trumpia, you have access to a cross-channel messaging platform, which makes it easier to not only mobilize your volunteers, but to grow your current volunteer list while keeping everyone involved and informed.

Benefits of Text Messages

Two-thirds of all Americans own a smartphone plus almost all mobile phones, even the most basic, support text messaging. Because of its availability, SMS has the best reach of any type of mobile channel. This availability makes it the perfect delivery system for messaging your organization's volunteers.

Did you know? SMS is one of the only approved carrier-billing methods for mobile fundraising.

Because text messages have a 98-percent open rate, your volunteers and potential volunteers are more likely to open, read, and engage with a text message notification versus a standard email. According to a Gallup poll, only 37-percent of the people surveyed read their email messages. The average American almost always has a mobile phone in hand or nearby — a text message notification is the most effective way for reaching any audience.

Engage with Staff Interactively

An SMS sender offers multiple, interactive ways to engage with staff and volunteers. It's the perfect message delivery system for coordinating your canvassers and remote workers. From your computer you can schedule SMS notifications to staff and volunteers, announcing meeting dates/times, scheduling assignments, and following up on un-confirmed workers to help ensure you have the right amount of volunteers needed for each project.

Use our two-way texting to engage with remote workers. This service makes it easy to stay in touch and make informed decisions in real-time without having to wait for an email to come through a server. You can even engage the landline texting feature, which allows volunteers to call or text your group's existing business phone number, ensuring connection is never an issue.

Recruit Qualified Volunteers for Specific Events

Volunteers are the heart of every non-profit, charity, and grassroots organization. Organizers need to recruit qualified volunteers for specific events and an SMS sender is the perfect marketing tool for that project. SMS makes it easy for volunteers to get involved. Create a mobile keyword to join your group or cause through any mobile phone. Target specific types of volunteers — medical workers for a blood drive or people with DIY skills for a community beautification project. Customization with text message marketing makes it easy to find volunteers with the skill sets needed to make your project, cause, or event a success.

With Trumpia, you can create an engaging mobile web form for volunteer sign-up to complement your SMS, ideal for volunteer renewal. Don't let your volunteers get away without signing up for the next event. Follow up a thank-you message with the opportunity to complete a quick, easy mobile sign-up form. This can help maintain steady volunteer numbers from event to event.

At your event, turn donors into volunteers by setting up a live text chat on a big screen where they can voice their opinions and ideas. Schedule an SMS "thank you for your donation" to reach any donor 12 to 24-hours after receiving the donation. Donors are more likely to convert to volunteers when made to feel welcome and part of the organization. A personalized SMS can be a successful way to engage with your donors.

Prioritize Different Causes

Use the SMS sender for internal campaigns like voting for the theme of the next event or even for an election of the organization's officers or committee leaders. Set up a multi-channel poll through Trumpia for your volunteers to join through their phones or computers. When your volunteers have a direct voice in organizational decisions it builds relationships and strengthens commitment to the cause.

Mobile voting
makes selecting the new organizational officers quick and easy. Your volunteers can cast their vote on-the-go, increasing voter turn-out. Trumpia's mobile voting feature works with both smartphones and conventional mobile phones.

  • Voter texts the mobile keyword associated with your mobile voting campaign.

  • Voter receives voting question and choices on his/her mobile phone.

  • Voter casts vote by texting the number that corresponds with his/her choice.

  • Voter receives your customizable auto-response sent to his/her mobile phone.

SMS Sender: Trumpia Solution

Let Trumpia be your organization's SMS sender solution. Our SMS marketing software and innovative services allow you to reach your volunteers, anytime and anywhere with customized messages that engage, promote your cause, and mobilize those volunteers better than any other traditional campaign. Take a look at our complimentary Mobile Marketing Success Kit to see how you can mobilize your volunteers with mobile communications.

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