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5 Best Practices for Recruiting When Sending Mobile SMS

Posted by Justin McIntire on Feb 22, 2018

A company is only as strong as its employees. This makes effective recruiting a vital process for hiring managers, recruiters, and other HR department staff. There are a variety of strategies that you can use to engage potential new hires, but sending mobile SMS is one of the most effective. In fact, text messages have a 98% open rate and can be 8x more effective at engaging users than other forms of marketing.


When using a texting software like Trumpia to send information to job candidates, it’s important to follow the best practices so that you can send more effective messages and make a good first impression with potential hires. Here are 5 important best practices for recruiting with SMS:


1. A Mobile Message is 160 characters - Make a Statement!

You only have 160 characters to grab the attention of potential new hires. It is vital that you use that limited space to make a great first impression while still delivering all the necessary information. Work on finding creative ways to stand out and encourage the reader to respond by showing a little personality in your recruiting text messages.


Use Mobile SMS To Recruit Better


Any company can send out a generic message with information about a job posting, but developing a personalized pitch is a great way to hook the reader in and make a connection. For example: “Hi, Laura! The management team at Smith’s really loved your portfolio. Would you be interested in learning about one of our design team openings?”


2. Keep Text Messages Friendly, Without a Sales Tone

Recruiting can be a lot like a sales pitch in that you are showing the candidate what makes your company a great place to work and highlighting how the organization might benefit them in their career. However, when sending communications to potential new hires, companies should avoid using sales language. This might make the individual uncomfortable or feel like spam. Instead use inviting language that shows the reader there’s a human behind the message.


When you implement an SMS solution to recruit, work on crafting a friendly message that communicates the company culture and office atmosphere. A great example would be: “Hi Cindy, this is Paul from Biocom. We’ve got a lot of great new opportunities in research that I’d love to chat with you about.” This message is friendly and inviting while still getting to the point, and ultimately it will help you start a conversation with more candidates, furthering your job search.


3. Use “Yes” or “No” As the Call to Action

When sending SMS to recruit, you can use a call to action in order to gauge a candidate’s interest in your company or a certain position. Providing the user with a “Yes” or “No” response option, helps you get the information you need instantly, while opening the line of communication with those who might want more information on the job opening.


For instance, a recruitment or temp agency might use text messages to send specific job opportunities to qualified candidates. By sending a simple message like: “Are you interested in an open Paralegal position at Smith Law Offices? Reply YES or NO,” you will know whether you should provide additional information or schedule an interview or move on to the next candidate.


4. Include a Job Post Link In the Mobile Text

After you’ve crafted an engaging message, be sure to include a link to the job posting in your message. An advanced SMS software like Trumpia allows you to embed links into your text and track click-rates in real-time. This makes it simple for the candidate to visit the job posting page and gives you more information on how many potential candidates are interested. The easier you make it for the individual to learn about and apply for the position, the more likely he or she will be to act on the opportunity you have given them.


Also, including the job posting link helps increase relevance. Whereas a general message about available job postings at your firm may be overlooked or ignored by the reader, a specific job posting that is relevant to their field or previous experience is likely to catch their attention and increase the likelihood that they apply. If they know immediately that the potential job applies to them, they are more likely to take the next step and actually apply.


5. Use a Shortened Signature At the End of the Text

Just like an email features a formal company signature, it is best practice to use a signature at the end of a text message. This ensures that there is no confusion as to who is sending the message and from what company. Your shortened signature should include your name, company, and job title. An example would be: “Thanks for showing an interest, I will reach out to you soon. Carol Miller, HR, Smith Computing.”


When you use a SMS solution for recruiting, it makes it easy to add your signature to every text message communication going out to job candidates. All you need to do is enter your signature information at the end of every text, making sure your potential hire knows who to get in contact with if they choose to follow up with an email or a phone call.

Are you interested in further ways to step up your recruiting efforts? Click here to learn more!


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