You’re busy. Your co-workers are busy. Your clients are busy.
Time is valuable to both you and your clients. SMS texting offers a new way for your sales team to reach out to customers and prospects. This familiar form of communication allows your clients to respond on their own schedule and the 160 character format provides relevant information in short, easy-to-digest chunks. In addition, your sales team’s messages will remain top of mind because they won’t get lost in an endless sea of emails.
Like you, most people check their texts within seconds of receiving a notification on their mobile device. Here are list of the top 3 reasons why businesses should take advantage of these trends to increase their bottom line:
1. Everyone is on the goIf you’re working remotely regularly or occasionally, it might be difficult to regularly check your desktop phone messages, or even pull up your work emails. You’re more likely to notice and respond to texts.
Communication programs such as the Salesforce1 Mobile App with Trumpia Connect make it easy for you to receive texts from anyone, at anytime.
When you send texts to your current or prospective clients, you are acknowledging their busy schedule, but still providing them relevant information that they can review at their earliest convenience. On the other hand, they may take hours or days to notice or respond to your voicemail or emails.
2. Inspire creativityWith SMS texting, you need to be able to summarize key points into 160 characters. The people you text will be able to receive short-and-sweet notifications about current offers, limited time deals, or tips and tricks.
Evolve your sales strategy so that you get both engaging and relevant information to your prospects in a short, consumable format.
Emails run the risk of getting flagged as spam - texts don’t. Emails also require someone choosing to open them, something that texters don’t have to worry about.
3. Higher potential for stronger connectionsIf a current or potential client isn’t returning your phone calls or your emails, consider texting them as a next step to make contact. The reason could be that they simply get too many calls or emails, but may not have a problem returning a text. In fact, texting has a 7.5 times higher response rate than email, and the average response time for a text is 90 seconds, compared to 90 minutes for email. Texting also has an especially impressive 98 percent read rate, which tells senders that whatever you send as a text will likely be seen and more than likely acted upon.
Diversify your communications strategy. Texts shouldn’t be your only method of interaction, but they can also be a useful tool toward the end of the sales process and clients may just need a few final nudges to fully commit. For more suggestions on using texting efficiently in your sales efforts, try Trumpia Connect today!