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SMS Marketing Challenge - 5 Ways to Grow Your Mobile Audience

Posted by Sophorn Chhay on Aug 04, 2015

SMS marketing is a great way to get customers' attention and keep it active. Customers do not need to own a smartphone to send or receive texts. Any cell phone will do. Much cheaper than most other marketing channels, SMS marketing has a higher open rate, giving companies a unique method of reaching and engaging customers. This marketing method, used in conjunction with other methods, can confirm, remind or promote anything at all in 160 characters.

Grow your sms audience

Since SMS marketing is an opt-in communication channel, growing your mobile audience will drive higher conversions and sales. If you are not sure how to grow your audience, here are some suggestions to get you rolling.

1. Ask Always and Often

Reach out to your audience
There is an old sales adage, "Ask always and often." This method is true of your mobile campaign. Starting with your existing customers, you can ask them to join your opt-in campaign. When inviting them, show them the value of participating in the program, mention how much you value their privacy and patronage, and they will be happy to join.

Customers like to be in-the-know, first in line for a promotion or special event. You can use your other outreach methods such as email or social media to ask people to join as well. Ensure that you have a clear opt-in process, so that you build a list of people who are truly interested in what you have to offer. A list built in the right way is full of people who are interested in your brand and want you to text them. Give them what they want.

In order to opt-in, people need to know that the opportunity is available. Make sure that your employees mention it to everyone in person and online. Good customer relationships will help you build your opt-ins and encourage any hesitant customers.

2. Use SMS in Conjunction with Social Media

Add SMS to Mobile Marketing
SMS works well in conjunction with other social media channels such as Twitter. Twitter followers are a prime audience for SMS marketing as the methods are similar and they like to communicate in short bursts. Encouraging Twitter or Facebook followers to opt-in to your SMS marketing campaign will help build your database.

One of the main differences between Twitter and SMS messages is that while many Tweets are lost due to the noisy Twitter stream, SMS messages grab the attention immediately and have a high incidence of opens. SMS messages are highly targeted to your customers, tailored to their interests.

3. Vary the Content

Nobody likes spam on any channel, nor do they like being bombarded with the same old stuff over and over. Don't just send messages about sales or coupons. SMS marketing gives you the opportunity to sell not only products, but also your brand. Offer innovative tips, interesting product history and intriguing tidbits.

hate sms spam

Make sure that your SMS messages are different from email. Your SMS list members most likely have already seen the email. Assume that they are listening and provide relevant information that your customers thrive on.

SMS messaging is ideal for appointment reminders, confirmations or delivery messages. Provide opportunities to your SMS list that no one else has access to. Extra benefits are a great way to make sure list members feel valued. Make the opt-in list a real club with unique benefits.

4. Value Your Reputation

Keep customers happy

Buying lists is not worth your time or money. A list is a group of annoyed people who do not want your messages. They will end up associating your brand with unwanted text messages. Or you may end up with a list of dead numbers.

Keeping your SMS reputation clean should be a primary goal. By building your own targeted database, you will offer honest information that list members truly want. Have a clear opt-out strategy for a trust relationship with members.

5. Staying Engaged

Once you have the list started and the wheels are set in motion, you will have a valuable marketing tool and powerful analytics for your business. Keeping your list updated will provide you with a potent list of active customers who want to hear from you. By pruning the list of dead numbers, you maintain the viability of your list and send information to customers that is relevant to them.

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