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Customer interaction is important, and procuring viable feedback ensures the longevity of any marketing campaign. With a few clicks, you can amass a small army. SMS polling is relatively new, but it’s taking the industry by storm. By taking advantage of the world’s most innovative SMS solutions, your added SMS polling software can reinvent your strategy, ensure long-term engagement and create unbeatable customer interaction platforms.
Text message polls utilize opt-in services to completely rewire the way consumers make purchases. If you want to know what your customers think, create a keyword-based text-to-join campaign. Your SMS polling platform is totally customizable, and it’s packed with a slew of options, including opt-in keyword response, a multiple-votes-per-voter atmosphere, deliver results and much, much more.
Improve Product Offerings and Services
To help the customer, you need to know what they want. You also need to know when they want it. Fulfilling customer needs is notoriously difficult, but modern technology has sparked incredible opportunities in the mobile marketing world. Today, 50.3 percent of the world’s e-commerce traffic is derived from mobile devices. A lot of data goes into automated SMS strategies, delivering mass amounts of useful information for you, the marketer, to use.
[Tweet "Today, 50.3 percent of the world’s e-commerce traffic is derived from mobile devices."]
Text-based voting grants organizations the ability to cast live events, create engaging opportunities and govern ongoing campaigns. Make live events, and gather incoming mobile numbers to spawn future message alerts. Person-to-person votes can be limited or expanded, granting you the ability to capture responses based upon a well-crafted schedule. By viewing live results, you can create live options.
Cost Effectiveness in the New Business World
ROI is everything. SMS polls have become an incredibly expense-saving options, enabling flexible business strategies governed by dynamic smartphone engagement. 79 percent of mobile users relied on SMS opt-in services in 2015, making purchases online and in the store. Mobile coupons offered through polled-in SMS loyalty programs carry no material cost. They save money, and they’re endlessly reproducible.
[Tweet "79 percent of mobile users relied on SMS opt-in services in 2015, making purchases online and in the store."]
High Response Rates
SMS polling benefits from high response rates. Consumers already prioritize smartphones in web search. In fact, 80 percent of consumers engage Internet search via mobile. More importantly: People are turning their reliance on smartphone technology into ongoing consumer poll engagement. 90 percent of smartphone users enrolled in SMS loyalty clubs consider the relationship beneficial. Buyers are cashing in coupons, redeeming QR codes and voting in systematic poll blasts. It’s an astounding number, but it isn’t surprising. Consumers love options, and they love them in large doses.
[Tweet "In fact, 80 percent of consumers engage Internet search via mobile."]
Users engaging SMS polls achieve year-long benefits. Their ability to vote, interact with other users and even share information guarantees widespread response. Modern SMS poll systems are practically text-based social platforms, involving the masses in important brand activity.
Constant Outreach
Because text polling is entertaining and engaging, business providers can ensure constant outreach. Text-based voting is hassle-free, and it’s highly economical from the time-conscious consumer’s point of view. Already, big-name television shows like American Idol use SMS polling services to create an annual buzz, facilitating outreach during all seasons.
By building your brand with real-time interactivity, you can expand your SMS audience into your online store, onto your email platform and even into your brick-and-mortar location. Watch consumers “tally up” in real-time SMS spreads, and tag the initiative on your Facebook page to create a steady participant influx population.
Trumpia’s Winning Platform
Trumpia persists as a top provider of SMS polling software. Tracking consumer answers, real-time data and in-depth responses, the Trumpia platform ensures total consumer cohesiveness while ensuring meaningful, reactive services.
Organic Interaction
Every marketing platform is different, and every poll needs to engage consumers at the marketer’s speed. Entice users with simple yes-and-no poll prompts. Or, install a multiple choice system to gage your products, services, ratings and trends. Craft open-ended questions, and gather the consumer’s true-blue thoughts—right over SMS. When the consumer fills in the forms, they’re directly aiding your brand.
Each SMS poll prioritizes interaction, maximizing the consumer-company relationship while shortening the buyer’s pathway-to-purchase. Modern mobile marketing initiatives need interaction, and they need constant feedback to succeed. Mobile polling lets consumers sign-up, access votes and text keywords for benefits. Audience feedback will always be an important marketing element. Now, a simple text message can launch fun, interactive mobile polls to engage audiences, reward individuals and procure important information. Trumpia’s SMS polling solution garners insight with every text, creating timeless appeal in an ever-expanding industry.