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Texting services have reinvented the communication world, enriching consumer lives while empowering decision makers. Quick, concise communication is powerful, and the gaps between effective marketing maneuvers, more than ever, have been reduced.
Providers like have focused on the benefits behind text message marketing. However many marketers have yet to embrace the new reality, grasping mobile communication’s benefits as sideline options. Check out why texting is the world’s best communication service, and understand why such an avenue is invaluable to marketers across the globe.
Reason One: Auto-Responders
Texting services are quick. They're simple. They're easy. They're also highly capable of generating auto-response environments. Auto-responders are currently one of mobile marketing’s best resources. Set up in advance, auto-responders aid consumers and businesses alike, promoting opt-in environments, keyword-sustained services and dynamic relationships.
The moment consumers opt in to message lists, marketing benefits are enhanced. Already, auto-responders are widely utilized by buyers. As texting services move up the chain, modern marketing platforms benefit.
Reason Two: Coupons
That’s right: coupons. Companies like Foursquare have prioritized and commoditized coupon services, reinventing the smartphone experience. Texting services are perfect for coupon gifts. Capable of transferring deals, promoting new services and relaying critical business information, coupons, themselves, are invaluable assets.
Texting services hold powerful communicative potential themselves, and the transferal of coupons only enhances the game. Coupon-based amenities and deals harness a world of information themselves. Location-based services, when paired with a solid coupon platform, create great marketing opportunities.
Reason Three: Social Media Access
Websites like have recorded consumer social media use, stating approximately 68 percent of Facebook users access the social platform via mobile. Social media boundaries aren’t confined to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram anymore. Texting services have imbued such services with new appeal, new accessibility options and new benefits.
Marketers everywhere are cashing in on the paradigm shift, too, targeting social media boundaries to increase conversions. Texting services are contingent upon social networks, and social networks have become contingent on social media. Twitter and Facebook’s net revenue is ever-expanding, and the mobile-to-internet connection is only growing stronger. Online chats, apps and other communication services aside, text messaging, itself, has become a cross-platform engagement.
Reason Four: Written Communication
It is ‘text’ messaging, after all. Written communication remains one of marketing’s best forms. Written words carry clear, concise information. As the marketing world grows, innocuous information slips through the cracks. Only specific information remains.
Likely, text messages will only continue growing in popularity. As modern consumers age, more mobile users become text-literate. The global ‘shift’ to text-based communication is also powered by the consumer’s growing intent to remain private in an ever-connected world. Don’t worry: You won’t have to worry about voice-based communication takeover for a while. Text-based conversation is quiet, and people like sheltered communication.
Reason Five: Constant Contact
According to the Pew Research Center’s data, relayed through, approximately 72 percent of teenagers text regularly. One in three send over 100 texts per day. Texting is the preferred communication platform for young people, and it’s a platform defined by constant availability.
Frequency, in any platform, is important. While relatively surface level, text communication is always there. Face-to-face communication leaves quite a bit of room for lost information, lost interest and lost time. Again, text messages are clear and concise. It deserves restatement due to the sheer continuity of text-based contact. Constant contact, more than ever, is required to safely deliver messages through a loud, loud world.
Reason Six: Surveys and Poles
Texting services aren’t devoid of quality. While consistency is a powerful component, quality still exists in quantity. Businesses can unlock texting’s true potential by sending poles and surveys. Again, text messaging’s true communicative power lies within its ability to send more than just messages.
Marketing surveys and poles enhance user access. They inform consumers while gathering data. They also let consumers know the provider cares. Consumers deserve a little credit: They’re constantly bombarded with inbound mechanics. They’re like a fish dodging a hook. Feedback isn’t just opportunistic, it’s vital. Quality feedback builds close, in-depth relationships. It both converts and delights customers. Surveys and poles are vital tools. Don’t neglect them.
Text messaging continues to grow, and marketing efforts are following closely. Two-way communication builds the above-mentioned personal relationships, and a text-based platform definitely invokes appreciation through a two-way-street approach. If you haven’t yet, consider building a mobile marketing platform. Texting services will only expand in upcoming years. Data plan changes, technology changes and social media changes, alike, are increasing text messaging’s extensive capabilities.