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Loyalty Programs with SMS Text Message Marketing

Posted by Trumpia on Aug 25, 2021

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Learn about the different ways SMS text messages for loyalty Programs can improve your marketing efforts with customer acquisition and retention.

An estimated 75% of consumers report that they would feel comfortable actively engaging in loyalty programs that were made available to them via mobile devices. That information just goes to show that enabling text-based loyalty programs can be a uniquely effective way to not only attract new customers but to also retain current clients and build customer loyalty that lasts.

SMS Loyalty Program Use Cases

Help Focus on Customer Retention

Customer acquisition is great, but at the end of the day, the true name of the game is customer retention. While not all customers will be lifetime supporters, the goal of any business is to increase customer loyalty and decrease the number of one-off purchases. Loyalty programs serve many purposes. Not only does having returning customers show trust and integrity of the business itself, but it also means that the business will not have to do as much marketing for new client acquisition in the long run. Repeat customers and their loyalty go a long way. From purchasing renewing subscriptions/memberships to referring other clients, loyalty programs can be exceptionally lucrative for businesses in any industry.

Loyalty Programs Build Connections

A strong sense of belonging and being part of a group cannot be overlooked. It is only natural to want to feel special and loyalty programs can help customers feel that way. General consumers may walk into a store with little to no connection to a brand. Whether it is a clothing company or a juice bar, a passerby on the street who happens upon a store may feel inspired to make a purchase, but they may also not. That is the risk businesses take with general consumers. Customers that are part of a loyalty program, however, typically shop with intent. 

They may have been tracking their rewards points and watching them build up in anticipation for making a purchase, which could build excitement for visiting a retail location. Customers that feel connected to brands and companies may also even talk about the great deals they have access to, thereby giving the company free marketing via word of mouth. Making loyalty programs mobile-friendly further simplifies the process and gets more people walking through the door. 

Use Loyalty Text Messaging Programs to Gain Insight

Everything goes back to the customer experience. The concept that loyalty programs breed loyal customers is not just an idea. Research supports that customers who participate in loyalty programs are five times more likely to repurchase from a specific brand than those who do not opt-in to a company’s loyalty rewards program. Additionally, loyal customers are about four times more likely to refer new customers to the brand than others, and seven times more likely to try new products, services, or solutions than new customers. 

Consider implementing a text messaging software service for loyalty programs in your business today. To find out more about getting started, contact Trumpia today!

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