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Trumpia Blog

A Journey to Intelligent Messaging


Sending SMS Messages That Actually Gets Responses

Posted by Jason Park on Aug 06, 2021


Sending out a text message and then being left on read can be very disheartening. Even worse is knowing that customers and subscribers aren’t even opening their text messages anymore. 

When building out an SMS texting marketing program, it is so important to create messages that are fun and engaging, so much so that people want to read it and even complete any call to actions that you may ask for. 

Here are some tips to keep in mind in order for you to send SMS text messages that actually get responses:


One of the benefits of using Trumpia and our text messaging services is the fact that we allow for two way conversations. While mass texting is useful to send out information to a lot of people quickly, one of the best ways to use mass texting is to collect responses that can even be used for data capture and further actions. One way to collect information easily is to ask questions that are easy to answer.

Pay attention to what type of questions you are asking and start by asking yourself - would you answer the question that you are trying to ask? Word your questions in a way that would require minimal effort from your subscribers. Check out the sample ones below:

“Reply with a Yes or No”

“Click on this link to schedule”

All of these calls to actions are palatable and easy to follow up on. Trumpia also provides URL shorteners that make your links condensed and less intimidating.



How fun and exciting are your messaging campaigns? Chances are, if you are only sending quick messages that all look the same, your subscribers will get bored. One way that you can prevent that is by sending out MMS. This includes pictures, videos, and more in order to make your content more engaging and would entice your subscribers more to complete the call to action. Also take advantage of your ability to set up contests, deals, and surveys in order to make campaigns more time sensitive and pressing. 



Finally, personalize your messages in order to make them feel more human and relatable. People do not want to feel like they are talking to a robot. Include their name, and make them feel welcome to your campaign. 

One way you can make messages feel highly personalized is to offer things that you believe your subscribers would want based on the results of previous campaigns. Customers will feel seen and understood the more you send highly relevant messages.

Keep these top tips in mind in order to increase the amount of click through leads and responses, which ultimately will help you and your company.

 If you have any more questions or want to learn more about our product, click here!

Topics: bulk sms, business SMS, Customer Highlights, Enhanced Customer Care, event marketing, How to, Non-Profit, sms, sms campaign, SMS marketing, SMS text, Social Media, Strategy, text, text message marketing software, Text System, texting communication, Tips & Tricks, Internal Communications, External Communications, SMS Communication, Religious Organizations, Small Business, Customer Engagement, fundraising, templates, new customers, nonprofit, church, Customer Feedback, small businesses, personalization, personal, churchtexting, youth, youthorganization, laws, smslaws, churchattendance, newbusinesses, responses, engagement

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