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A Journey to Intelligent Messaging


Dry Texts Ruining Your Seasonal Promotions?

Posted by Jason Park on May 19, 2021


Use Trumpia's blogs and resources in order to avoid writing dry and boring seasonal promotions

With summer holidays fast approaching, it is so important that companies nail their next seasonal promotion. However, with so many seasonal promotions feeling repetitive and worn out, it is understandable why so many businesses are struggling to make new and creative marketing campaigns. Here are 10 helpful pieces of advice that you and your company can use and reimagine SMS marketing in order to make your seasonal text messaging campaign fun while generating more leads. 

  • Implement digital gift cards

This is made easy by Trumpia through our ability to incorporate MMS, or Multi-Media Messaging, into your text messaging campaign. Create a flashy, engaging digital gift card and send it out as a picture or QR code that the potential customer can flash at the counter. The key to this marketing strategy is to pace yourself - make sure that you are not sending them out as spam.

  • Highlight sales

People love discounts and sales. The key to broadcasting these sales messages using SMS texting is to make these discounts SMS exclusive. For example, if you are broadcasting a Fourth of July Sale for your clothing company, you can have customers flash their mobile discount in order to qualify for the sale. 

  • Personalize texts

Subscribers need to know that companies care about them. They don’t want to feel like they are being used as marketing ploys. One of Trumpia’s core features is the ability to allow one to one texting between the customer and the business. One excellent way companies can utilize support is by having service members contact customers regularly for feedback and reminders about seasonal promotions. This is made possible through features such as targeting or mail merge, which allows you to insert custom data into a text like the person’s name!   

  • Integrate campaign across multiple channels

Trumpia also makes this possible by our Omni Channel feature. Trumpia allows integration with different channels of communication including email, and many other powerful software including Microsoft suite, and much more. Why is this important? It allows you to broaden your campaign and save precious time by working smart. Couple these powerful software or connect your existing software with Trumpia in order to have them intuitively work together. 

  • Sweepstakes and contests

Sweepstakes and contests are a fun way to engage customers during seasonal promotions. This is where you and your company can also get really creative in employing these contests. Have your subscribers enter a raffle, or play a game, or even answer a question in order to get a chance to win an exclusive prize or deal. Why does free stuff work? Because it makes people want to engage with your company again. 

  • Create a loyalty program

What is a loyalty program? Loyalty programs are reward based systems that award valued customers a prize after continual purchases or engagement. You can make loyalty programs more exciting by creating incentives that are centered around the holiday season. For example, if people earn 10 points during the Fourth of July weekend, they will receive a special prize!

  • Offer incentives for joining subscriber list

Why should new and potential customers join your subscriber list? Why should they stay up to date with what your company is doing? You can have limited rewards and deals when customers choose to subscribe. Or you can create an interesting and engaging hook that makes people want to learn more about your product or service. The possibilities are endless.

  • Target messages using data capture. 

What is data capturing? Trumpia’s Automation feature allows companies to capture important data on their customers. This data consists of everything from the customer’s demographics to purchasing habits and even peak purchase times. This is possible through the data that your customers voluntarily give! Our system asks them questions that you present and then automatically captures their responses. This data is then sorted into different workflows that only send relevant messages to different customers who are most likely to engage with it. Therefore, if you know that some of your customers respond well to certain holiday promotions, you want to capitalize on that data immediately. 

  • Take advantage of social media. 

Social media is free marketing. And everyone is on it these days. Partner with influencers and social media ad agencies in order to connect your SMS marketing campaign with your social media presence. For example, a fashion picture or post can feature a dedicated keyword that you can text to a short code or long code in order to get discounts to the look featured in the post. 

  • Time it right.

This is the last but most important piece of advice. You don’t want to start a holiday promotion too early and you don’t want to drag out an old holiday promotion for too long. For example, starting a Christmas promotion in September may feel a bit too early, especially because other holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving did not happen yet. Furthermore, promoting a Fourth of July sale in August may make your campaign feel old and desperate. Make sure that you are keeping track of your pace. 

Curious to learn more about our software? Contact us today to see how you can use Trumpia for your next SMS marketing holiday campaign. 

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Topics: bulk sms, event marketing, How to, mobile keywords, mobile text marketing, multi channel marketing, Non-Profit, sms, SMS text, Social Media, text, text appointment reminders, text message marketing software, Text System, texting communication, Tips & Tricks, SMS Communication, Promotions, Customer Engagement, seasonal

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